
8 07, 2018

Argentina: Stockouts of ARVs threatens continuation of HIV treatments

2020-08-04T16:58:43-03:00domingo, 8 julio, 2018|Producciones en inglés|

Buenos Aires, July 6 2018.  In a context of economic crisis of magnitude that Argentina is facing there are stockouts of essential medicines. According to key informants, the shortage of medicines is due to the lack of public purchases. While the authorities of the Ministry of Health delay the provision of official information there are disruptions

4 12, 2017

Hepatitis C: In Argentina INPI rejected a key patent on Sofosbuvir

2020-08-04T17:02:32-03:00lunes, 4 diciembre, 2017|Producciones en inglés|

Argentina has made an important step forward to protect  local production of generics of an essential medicine to treat Hepatitis C. This brings significant advantages for Public Programs which procure the medicines. Por: Julia Varela Buenos Aires, December 4, 2017. In Argentina, the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) rejected GILEAD PHARMASSET LLC patent application

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