
13 08, 2020

Argentina producirá la vacuna que está desarrollando AstraZeneca con la Universidad de Oxford

2020-08-13T11:45:05-03:00jueves, 13 agosto, 2020|Argentina, Especial COVID-19|

El presidente de la nación, Alberto Fernández, anunció en Argentina se fabricarán entre 150 millones y 250 millones de dosis de la vacuna contra el Covid-19 que está desarrollando AstraZeneca con la Universidad de Oxford, mientras que en México se finalizará el proceso de producción, envasado y distribución equitativa, entre los países de la región que lo demanden, excepto

29 03, 2017

Argentina’s Patent Office signs bilateral agreement with the US harming public health and national laws

2017-03-29T20:16:15-03:00miércoles, 29 marzo, 2017|Access to Medicines, Argentina, Health Safeguards, Intellectual Property, Public Health|

The Argentinian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI, by its acronym in Spanish) signed a bilateral agreement with the US Patent Office on February 13th that includes reciprocal acceptance of patenting results of both offices. The news are grave and serious as the "Patent Prosecution Highway Between USPTO and INPI-Argentina" effectively repeals the Argentine Patent

17 12, 2015

FGEP continues defense of public health in Argentina against the abuse of the patent system by multinational pharmaceutical companies

2015-12-17T03:50:58-03:00jueves, 17 diciembre, 2015|Access to Medicines, Argentina, Direct Action, Health Safeguards, HIV, Intellectual Property, Kaletra, Patent opposition, Sofosbuvir|

BUENOS AIRES, December 15th 2015 - Fundación Grupo Efecto Positivo (FGEP), an organization whose work is focused on guaranteeing access to essential medicines for HIV and Hepatitis C in Argentina and Latin America, announced in a press conference on November 30th two new key actions to defend public health policies. Dr. Daniel Gollán, Argentina’s Minister

11 09, 2015

UNAIDS “4th 90”: Affordability of Medicines

2015-11-04T16:38:17-03:00viernes, 11 septiembre, 2015|909090 Strategy, Access to Medicines, Argentina, Medicines, Ministry of Health, Public Health, UNAIDS|

UNAIDS has seen Argentina´s proposal to add a 4th “90” to its 909090 Strategy as a model to be implemented worldwide Buenos aires, September 2015 – UNAIDS´s Executive Director, Michel Sidibé, visit Argentina and Chile in his first time visit to Latin American region as part of a global tour to promote 90-90-90 strategy which

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